Tired of snoring? Discover the position to stop snoring
How many times have you cursed your companion for not stopping snoring? Have you ever woken up from your own snoring? Are you tired of the same old story? Today we give you some tips to avoid that annoying sound that occurs in our rooms when we most need to rest.
Tips to stop snoring and get a good night’s sleep
We have to confess that in the team of Don Mattress more than one of us snored. Now, we have implemented these tips and it seems to work for more than one of us. Do you want to implement them with us? Join us!
Currently, there are many studies that come to a conclusion “snoring has become one of the great annoyances at bedtime! In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) states that about 40 percent of the population sleeps poorly.
There are many factors that can cause us to snore day after day, or rather night after night. Some of them we can control ourselves. These are the tricks that we have put in place and therefore we want you to know them.
- Clear your nose. Before going to sleep, clean your nose well with a saline solution. You can also use nasal strips or nasal dilators, since they help to reduce the resistance of the air flow so that we breathe better.
- Watch your sleeping posture. Your sleeping position may contribute to increased snoring. The ideal position to fall asleep without disturbing your sleep is to sleep on your side. You can support yourself with our body pillows, which will help you get the right posture!
- Sleep the hours recommended by experts. Doctors recommend sleeping between 7 and 8 hours a day. Otherwise, you will get to bed more tired and this will make you snore more.
- Humidify your room. If you use a humidifier in your room you will contribute to soften snoring. Why? Very easy! The humidity will make your throat lubricated and, therefore, the air will pass through much more easily.
- Drink plenty of water. It’s not a whim! Drinking two liters of water a day can also be very beneficial to your health.
- Avoid the consumption of alcohol, tobacco or other substances.
We hope we have been able to help you. Otherwise, you can contact contact our team of experts. We are sure they will have the solution to help you fall asleep the first time.