Tips to avoid snoring during your sleep phase

Snoring during the sleep phase is annoying for both you and your bed partner. There is a solution. There are a few tricks to avoid snoring at bedtime. Today, on the blog of Don Mattress we show them to you.


Take care of your allergy

Allergy can create nasal congestion that causes us to breathe through our mouths. This causes snoring. Therefore, it is important to treat it. You can resort to an anti-allergy pillow to minimize allergies, especially those related to dust, dust mites, pollen and mold.


Adopt a good sleep routine

It seems clear that people who do not follow a stipulated schedule at bedtime tend to snore more. The stress produced by the daily rhythm of life as well as going to bed late can produce a tiredness that has a negative impact on our health in general and on our throat in particular.

Improve your sleeping posture sleeping

There are positions that reduce snoring, such as on your side. For this, it is important that you have a good mattress and pillow to ensure a comfortable and correct position throughout the night.


Infusions against snoring

There are certain herbs that reduce snoring and relieve nasal congestion. For example, nettle tea, sage or mint.


Invest in a good pillow

The best remedy for not snoring is to have a pillow that ensures that your head is fully aligned. This favors good breathing, and, in addition, will prevent joint and muscle problems.


Here are some tips to avoid snoring during the sleep phase. Remember that the most important thing is to make sure your bed has the right elements, such as a good mattress and a good pillow. This will prevent snoring while ensuring correct posture. At Don Mattress our mission is to offer you the best products so that you can achieve a quality sleep. If you need more information, don’t hesitate to contact us, it’s time to get a good night’s sleep!

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