The most effective tricks for better sleep

Are you getting enough sleep at night? If insomnia has taken hold of you and has become your bed partner, it’s time to give it a solution. From Don Mattress we want to give you some tips so that sleep does not become your worst nightmare. Stay tuned! We are sure that these tips will help you sleep better.



Tips for better sleep


Stress at work, children and tiredness in general are the main causes of sleep problems. This causes us to stay awake when we really want to sleep. It is important that we rest and that we reach the greatest depth of sleep with the REM phase. This is when you will really be rested and face the day with more energy. If you do not know what this phase consists of, we have told you about it in the following blog. Here you have a series of tips and tricks that you should apply in your daily life to fall asleep more easily.

Organize your day to day. Try to set a schedule. If you always wake up at the same time and follow a daily routine you will help your body not to be altered and you will fall asleep much easier.

Exercise. If we talk about sticking to a routine, it is very likely that doing sports comes to mind. Indeed, join the nearest gym or go for a walk outdoors to sleep better at night.

Meditate. How important meditation is in the life of a human being. This technique will help you to increase the melatonin levels in your brain, which will help you to sleep deeply.

Avoid screens. Lately we have taken the habit of checking our phone before going to sleep. A glance at the social networks will completely ruin your hours of rest. Avoid any adversity to put your face to the phone. Set the alarm before going to sleep and forget about it.

– Remove heavy dinners from your wish list and drink an infusion. Heavy dinners are the worst ally for a good night’s sleep. That’s why you should avoid them. In addition, herbal teas will help you fall into a deep sleep half an hour after ingestion. You’ll sleep like a baby!

To all these tips, add a good mattress and a good pillow. If you think these are in need of changing, contact the specialists at Don MattressWe will find what you need!

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