Phases of sleep: What happens in each one of them?

Have you ever wondered why sometimes you sleep well and sometimes you don’t? There can be many factors for this to happen to you. Stress or tiredness are often the key elements for you to have insomnia or to not rest well while you sleep. Sleeping is not just about unplugging your body and that’s it. Sleep is something more complex.

Today, from Don Mattresswe want to talk to you about the phases of sleep. Those cycles that aim that our body reaches a deep and restful sleep. Or what is the same, that you sleep like a baby!


What are the phases of sleep and what happens in each of them?


Let’s start at the beginning. Most of us have heard of the different sleep phases at some point, but do we really know what they are? Let’s find out!

According to several expert analyses, “the brain works on the basis of brain waves and depending on how they are, we will be in wakefulness or sleep”. It should be noted that electrical activity varies once we are in sleep, depending on which phase of sleep we are in. Specifically, there are five phases of sleep, among which the REM and non-REM phases stand out.


Phase 1


The first of the five sleep cycles is the drowsy or dozing phase, when we move from wakefulness to sleep. For us it is one of the most peculiar phases of sleep, since we perceive stimuli, both tactile and auditory, at all times. It is a light sleep, but not a restful one – you are aware of practically everything that is going on around you!


Phase 2


We could say that during this period of time we are already asleep and our nervous system is already in charge of blocking the pathways of access to sensory information. That is to say, we are already disconnected and we have become roque.


Phase 3


During this stage, also known as the deep sleep or delta wave stage, our body is completely relaxed. So much so that if we are awakened we are completely confused. Of course, during this stage we still do not dream.

Phase 4


Unlike the delta phase, during this stage we reach the greatest depth of sleep. That is, our brain activity is slower. During this period of time we can already witness the occasional dream. In fact, sleepwalking manifests itself in this phase.

REM phase


REM sleep, also known as paradoxical sleep, is when we are totally relaxed and in deep sleep. Yes, during this period of time is when you make up your own stories in your dreams. The most typical disturbances of this phase are nightmares, REM sleep without atonia and sleep paralysis.

To rest well while you sleep, it is very important that you take into account the quality of the mattress and pillow. In the stores Don Mattressour experts will advise you and find the rest equipment that suits your needs.

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