Live and let sleep! has been the winning hashtag of the Almohadilla League.

Live and let sleep! This concept has been the winner of the Pillow League that we launched last August 23rd in our social networks. On the occasion of the International Hashtag Day we made a kind of league in which you had to vote for the hashtags related to rest that you liked the most. It was an interesting competition, in which through the stories, we discovered that the concept “live and let sleep” was the one you most identified with. At Don Colchón stores we know how important it is to rest for our lives. Therefore, in the fall campaign we will carry out an action related to this concept. But for the moment, we can’t tell you anything else. Stay tuned, we will come up with interesting and original things. Following the thread of the winning concept, we will now share with you some of the most common sleeping habits we have. Because everyone sleeps in a way and to live and let sleep, it is good to know these manias or rituals that some people have to get a pleasant rest.


The most common bedtime manias

For tastes, colors … that is clear, as well as that each person is a world and that when it comes to sleep each one of us have our own habits. Or a kind of ritual that we follow night after night that predicts a good night’s sleep and a successful encounter with Morpheus. Face up, with an eye mask, with socks on, with the light slightly on, with a pillow between our legs… there are countless bedtime habits! We may not be aware of these bedtime rituals, perhaps because they are already part of our choreography, the end of which is unique: a good night’s sleep. Below we share with you the most common sleep habits:


  • There are people who, even in the middle of summer and with high temperatures, need the help of a sheet to be able to fall asleep. Some prefer to cover their whole body, others everything but their feet. Or even those who need one leg well covered and the other free of sheets. Variety is the spice of life!
  • Socks can be protagonists in the good rest of some people. Sleeping with socks on is a classic for many people who claim they can’t sleep without them. Or the opposite, never sleeping with socks on.
  • Pillows are also part of these sleeping rituals: there are people who need a double pillow, one between the legs, others who prefer to sleep without a pillow – a world of possibilities!
  • Sleeping accessories are also part of some sleep manias: sleep masks, ear plugs, among others.
  • A very typical habit is to sleep with a light on. There are those who cannot sleep in total darkness, but on the contrary, there are also those who need total darkness to be able to fall asleep. The same goes for noises, windows, doors and blinds.
  • Some people need to prepare themselves before going to bed, either with a relaxing shower, relaxation techniques, reading a book, listening to music… endless options!


There’s no end to sleep habits, so what’s your favorite way to combat insomnia and get a good night’s rest? At the end of the day, the important thing in this life is the winning hashtag of our particular league. Live and let sleep.

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