Eliminate dust mites in your bed

Dust mites intensify allergy symptoms during the night. They accumulate in bedding, preventing allergy sufferers from getting quality sleep. Today, in the blog of Don Mattresswe tell you how to definitively eliminate dust mites in your sleeping area.

Why is it important to eliminate dust mites from your bed?

Dust mites are located wherever dust is present. This is because they accumulate in materials or fabrics that are difficult to clean or access, such as the mattress or pillow. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your sleeping area is free of these microscopic beings.


How to eliminate dust mites from your bed?



Your pillow should be as compact as possible. This way, dust mites will have less space. To do this, replace fiber or feather models with latex or viscoelastic pillows. In addition, you can find hypoallergenic pillows, ideal for dealing with allergies.



Choosing a good mattress is essential for quality sleep. They accumulate dust mites and allergens over time, which can trigger allergies and respiratory problems. Because of this, you should choose a hypoallergenic mattress to reduce exposure to these allergens.


Covers and protectors

It is important that you use washable pillowcases and mattress protectors. These will keep dust mites out and maintain good hygiene in your bed.


If you are allergic, taking care of these elements of your bed will help you fall asleep without any problem. Remember that betting on a good mattress and a good pillow is betting on the quality of your sleep. In Don Mattress we offer hypoallergenic material and a multitude of other products so you can rest easy. If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us, we will help you in everything you need!

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